Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ibbetson Street Press Books



"A journal and publisher of poetry."

 Ibbetson Street publishes the best of the small press. Our press is nationally distributed. We have received favorable notice in The Boston Globe, Salamander, Chiron Review, Rattle, Jewish Book World, Harvard Review, Small Press Review, PRESA, and other respected journals. Ibbetson books have been selected as "Must Reads" by the Massachusetts Book Award. We have published poetry books by Robert K. Johnson, Gloria Mindock, Zvi Sesling, Kevin Gallagher, Lo Galluccio, Molly Lynn Watt, Bert Stern, Linda Larson, Linda Haviland Conte, Sam Cornish and many others. Ibbetson Street poets have been featured on television shows and on radio including: NPR, WGBH ( Public Television), Tufts University Radio, Newton Cable, Boston Cable, Cambridge Cable, Somerville Community Access TV, as well as MIT Radio. Our magazines and books are carried at a host of independent bookstores in the area. Ibbetson Street has also been featured in Poetry Daily and Verse Daily. Ibbetson Street has also been included in the Pushcart Anthology.

Mike Ansara ( Founder of the Mass Poetry Festival) "Many thanks to Doug Holder and Harris Gardner for including me along with such a distinguished group of great poets."

"Ibbetson Street Press is a unifying force in the Boston poetry scene, and the most viable way for poetry lovers to keep in touch with what's happening. There's nothing sectarian or cliquey about Ibbetson, and I think the variety of its poets...reflect the breadth of its community." (Peter Desmond- Cambridge, Mass. poet and winner of two Cambridge Poetry Awards) 

 "What a gift- your work at Ibbetson Street has been and continues to be for all who love this art." A lovely note from Fred Marchant about our literary magazine... ( Founder of the Poetry Center--Suffolk University--Boston, Mass.)


***Many of our books and magazines can be ordered from the Ibbetson Street Press Online Bookstore.
Ibbetson Street Press Online Bookstore  ( click on)

IBBETSON STREET MAGAZINE (Published twice a year in November and June: $10/issue, $20/2
  • Issue 45 Poetry from Ravi Yelamanchili, Ted Kooser, DeWitt Henry, Jennifer Barber, Denise Provost, Marge Piercy, Kathleen Spivack and more. Interview with Lloyd Schwartz by DougHolder
  • Issue 44 Poetry by Marge Piercy, Ted Kooser, X. J.Kennedy, Michael Ansara, Mary Buchinger, and a tribute to the late Boston Poet Laureate Sam Cornish by Doug Holder
  • Issue 43 Poetry by Jennifer Barber, Michael Casey, Gary Metras, Jim Kelly and more.....
  • Issue 42 Poetry from John Skoyles, Denise Provost, Lee Sharkey, Richard Hoffman, and more...
  • Issue 41 Poetry by Pui Ying Wong, Joyce Peseroff, Ted Kooser, Brendan Galvin and more...
           Ibbetson Street 41
           Poetry from Joyce Peseroff, Marge Piercy, Harris Gardner, Laura Cherry and others...

 Ibbetson Street 40

Poetry from Marge Piercy, Ted Kooser, Brendan Galvin and others... ( Front cover photo: Jennifer Matthews)


Poetry from Jennifer Barber, Ted Kooser, Kathleen Spivack, X.J. Kennedy, Danielle Legros Georges, Mary Buchinger Bodwell and more... Interview with novelist Paul Harding.  ( Front Cover photo: Dianne Robitaille)


In this issue you will see poetry by the likes of Marge Piercy, Andrea Cohen, Ted Kooser and many others. We are also grateful to have great photographs on our front and back covers by Glenn Bowie and Jennifer Matthews. Lawrence Kessenich has an insightful review of Endicott Professor Charlotte Gordon’s new book, Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley.


In this issue of Ibbetson Street you will experience poetry by such fine poets as Jared Smith, Brendan Galvin, Jennifer Barber, Kathleen Spivack, Marge Piercy, Linda Conte, and many more. We are very pleased that Melissa Shook, a retired Professor of Photography at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and a nationally and internationally exhibited photographer, has a self-portrait gracing our front page, and an alluring sketch adorning our back.


Price: $10.00
Ships in 3-5 business days.
Well, yet another Ibbetson Street has arrived. You will note the striking front cover – an arresting photograph of an enigmatic spiral staircase from Jennifer Matthews, with splendid graphic touches (note the spectral birds) by Rose Gardina. On the back, our long time contributor the accomplished artist Bridget Galway, has a haunting painting of a woman captured in the face of a clock – of all things. Ah! sweet mystery of life! Not only do we have fine art, but we have our usual lineup of fine poetic talent with folks like Jean Valentine, George Kalogeris, Teisha Twomey, Marge Piercy, Kathleen Spivack, X. J. Kennedy, Diana Der Hovanessian, Victor Howes, Mike Ansara, Rhina P. Espaillat, Maggie Dietz and so many others.

IBBETSON 35  Ed Galing Tribute Issue. Poetry from Ted Kooser, Michael Collier, Marge Piercy and others ....

                                IBBETSON 34   Poetry from Martha Collins, Richard Hoffman, Kathleen Aguero  and more...


                                 IBBETSON 33  Poetry from Cornelius Eady, Jean Valentine, Brendan Galvin and more...

                                           IBBETSON STREET 32  Poetry from Afaa Michael Weaver, X. J. Kennedy, Diana Der-Hovanessian and more....


                                             IBBETSON 31  Poetry by Charles Coe, Marge Piercy, Prema Bangera, Laura Cherry and others. Also interview with Marge Piercy by Emily Pineau.

Issue 30 Poetry by Ted Kooser, Freddy Frankel, Lawrence Kessenich, Rene Schwiesow and more...
Also: Tribute to Hugh Fox by Doug Holder.

Issue 29
: Celia Gilbert,Jennifer Barber, Richard Hoffman, Barbara Helfgott Hyett and "Poetry, Masks and Truth" by Mary Rice.

Issue 28: Poetry from Marge Piercy, X.J. Kennedy, Kathleen Spivack, Daniel Tobin and more...

Issue 27: Poetry from Miriam Levine, Margaret Young, Dan Sklar, Harris Garder, and others... "From the Back Ward to the Blackboard"-- article by Doug Holder

Issue 26
: Interview with Poet Fred Marchant, poetry by Zvi Sesling, Dorian Brooks, A.D. Winans, Lyn Lifshin, Richard Moyer, and others....

Issue 25: Poetry from Sam Cornish, Julia Carlson, Ellaraine Lockie, Elizabeth Kirschner, and others. Also, Essay: "I Gave Richard Yates a Call One Day." by Doug Holder.

Issue 24 has poetry by Gary Metras, Lo Galluccio, Tracy Strauss and others. The featured article is "What is a failed poet?" by Doug Holder.

Issue 23
has an interview with poet Mark Doty . Poetry from Ed Sanders, Ed Galing, Robert K. Johnson, Beth Lowell, Ellen Steinbaum and others. Issue 23 was featured in Verse Daily.

Issue 22 has an interview with the late poet Sarah Hannah, author of "Longing Distance" (Tupelo Press). Also new poetry from Jade Sylvan, Eleanor Goodman, Lyn Lifshin, Marc Goldfinger and others. Issue 22 was featured in "Verse Daily."


Books from the Ibbetson Street Press

 **** Many of our books and magazines can be ordered from our online bookstore..... 

What Moments Yield - Artist-poet Bridget Seley Galway’s poems show the painter’s eye with their details from her rich life growing up in New York City and Provincetown with artists, writers and junkies and her more recent life in Somerville, Massachusetts. Beach grass, hot sun on tarred rooftops, fire hydrants spraying water, cold concrete walls, a babe in arms, birds on telephone wires through a window, darkened corners with heroin addicts shooting up.

Through My Kakuma Eyes - Kuoya Dut has created a powerful collection of soulful poems that juxtapose images of revolution and displacement with the solace found in nature and the achievement of inner peace. Carrying with him recollections of his homeland, he embarks on an inward journey, quieting his “roving mind” and following the “whispers” of his destiny. “Sit in the heart of your presence,” he advises—a meaningful message for us all. — Dr. Rossi-Le, Vice President and Dean of Endicott College.

Curious Peach - By Denise Provost. These poems are “old-fashioned” in the best sense of that term—unabashedly romantic and joyful in their celebration of the natural world. Full of feeling but not the least bit sentimental, this collection offers a welcome contrast to the angst and pessimism that seems to inspire so much contemporary poetry. — Charles Coe – author of Memento Mori

Joseph A. Cohen’s first book of poetry A Full Life was published in 2005. His poems have appeared in the Ibbetson St. Press, Constellations Anthology, Bagel Bards Anthology, Spare Change, Image Magazine, Great Neck Record and more. He is a recent Pushcart Prize nominee. An avid photographer, he taught photography in New York colleges for 40 years and most recently at BOLLI at Brandeis University. At 99, he still writes and does poetry readings. Formerly President of Sunweave Linen Corp. in New York, he now lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts and enjoys the vibrant intellectual atmosphere and cultural diversity of his new home. He was recently awarded the Legion of Honor medal by the President of the French Republic for his service in France during World War II.



Too many people fear death. Keith Tornheim confronts it in all its possibilities. His poems are straightforward, tender, compassionate and with even a touch of humor. For the living there is a need to deal with the transition of those alive to being deceased. He also expertly helps the living deal with memories of those who have died. Keith Tornheim has elegantly presented the readers of this book with scenarios that offer guidance to the emotion of seeing a loved one or friend on their final journey or those who are forever gone. -- Zvi A. Sesling, author of Fire Tongue



                                   WINTER DREAMS BY PHILIP BURNHAM JR.

Philip Burnham Jr. murmurs his poems to us as if they were delicate miracles of nature or intimate secrets … and many of them are. The poet’s persona captures you with his likeability and does a masterful job conveying love, loss, and mortality through images of the natural world and an extraordinary perception of the ordinary and tangible elements of time and place. — Dennis Daly



Price: $10.00
Ships in 3-5 business days
“ Goodwin has surprising sensitivity and wisdom that is unusual in such a young poet.” — Charlotte Gordon ( Author of Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley)

 HUMAN CYCLES by Paige Shippie ( Endicott College/Ibbetson Street Young Poet Series)


Price: $12.00
Ships in 3-5 business days.
No two ages of life encounter precisely the same moments. If poetry relies on the rendering of experience so genuine as to wake the imagination, the poems from Kimberly Pavlovich’s first book are admirable in their unflinching courage and versatility. Between the lines, we see emerging a literary Romantic, with an eye for the strange beauty of unseemliness (or, as Hopkins put it, “pied beauty”). The wonderfully titled You Carry the Woods makes for an auspicious beginning. Michael Todd Steffen, author of Partner, Orchard, Day Moon (Cervena Barva Press, 2014).



On Wings of Song… … is a journey into the heart, the place of deep caring for the state of being human.  Watt has written with the sincere and sympathetic hand to mark a path for the reader to return to the Civil Rights Era of the 50’s and 60’s, a history that never leaves us.  As she writes, there is no time for fear.  In the inscape of her journey we see the time for caring is now.  These are gentle but sure lines of conviction, lines worthy of a standing applause. — Afaa M. Weaver, The Plum Flower Trilogy 



That poem that you didn’t understand that the poet read at the jazz bar   Poems by Jason Roberts




Poems by Jason Roberts. From the Ibbetson Street Press/Endicott College, Young Poet Series





Price: $10.00

Meghan Perkins' poems are a pleasure to imbibe. They are straight-shootin' charms of incidental show-downs and revery of memory. Her endings are crafty without being too lick and she seems right at home in her bones and her vision of things. These poems represent a very promising first collection, sharp, concrete and humorous, walking a line between a reverence for life and a discerning and ironic laughter at its ironies and twists. --Lo Galluccio (Cambridge Populist Poet) With disarming precociousness and pearl-like insights Meghan Perkins pulls on life's loose threads and unravels them before our eyes. Her poems speak to what she knows best and her powers of sassy observations amaze.--Dennis Daly (Author of The Custom House)



                                   Never Returns and Other Poems by Barbara Bialick


            " Barbara Bialick is an original, talented writer! These poems delight and surprise..." Kathleen Spivack ( With Robert Lowell and His Circle)

The Shutting Door : Poems by Timothy Gager

Price: $11.00
Ships in 3-5 business days
Timothy Gager is a genius of the quotidian, keenly observing the details of our lives and rendering them so that we can hear the deep pulse of our identities, of our pure being, within them. The Shutting Door is a ravishing, wonderful, enlightening book. - Robert Olen Butler, Pulitzer Prize Winner, Author of 18 books


FLYING CATS (actually swooping) By Dan Sklar
Fans of European 19th century verse, thick with symbolism and multi-syllabic, will find little to love in Dan Sklar’s work. Sklar’s poetry could be characterized as American Primitive, clean and bracing as creek water. Like Whitman, Sklar celebrates the mystery and profundity of the everyday. This is “guy” poetry, muscularly chronicling the days and to-do list of the contemporary American male, helplessly and joyfully committed to the challenges of raising a houseful of boys, teaching sleepy-eyed college students, and handling the ignominies of manuscript rejection letters. Sklar’s poems tumble and sing with enormously universal appeal.
--Lisa Beatman, Author of Manufacturing America

No Need to Speak by Emily Pineau: (Young Poet Series--Endicott College/Ibbetson Street)

Emily Pineau’s poetry is honest, exhibiting a wisdom

beyond her age as a sophomore at Endicott College. She

promises a future in poetry that will enthrall readers. Her

relationship with an unnamed male in I would for you is

one which many women have encountered but have not

had the courage to enunciate.

— Zvi A. Sesling, Muddy River Poetry

Review, author King of the Jungle







 Price $15

"Philip Burnham’s poems have a slow-building intensity to
them, a quiet meditative force that gathers from the first
few lines and takes the reader into the heart of his experiences
of nature, love, history, and place. Shore Lines is a
rich trove of the well-observed and the deeply felt."
Adam Haslett--Author of You are Not a Stranger Here
National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize Finalist





Custom House By Dennis Daly


Price: $12.95
Ships in 3-5 business days
Again and again, in poems of precision, conscience, and formal elegance, Dennis Daly arrests our vertiginous world so we may see its beauty, horror, and promise. Daly is a masterful poet, whether he is writing in free or formal verse, and the poems in this substantial gathering of his work accrue to a mature vision of our world as it is and as it could be. The Custom House is a book to savor, a book to treasure. — Richard Hoffman, author of Gold Star Road and Emblem



"The Music Man of Terezin : The Story of Rafael Schaechter"
as told by the recollections of Edgar Krasa  $8.

by Susie Davidson
ISBN 9780984661404    2012,  Ibbetson Street Press, Somerville, Mass.

Rafael Schaechter was a composer, conductor and pianist who staged musical productions with inmates at Terezin, a unique concentration camp where the Nazis imprisoned many of Eastern Europe’s most talented artists and musicians. Under starvation conditions, they continued to create works. The camp became a façade, a cultural showcase promoted by the Nazis to convey a false reality of how well they treated the Jews. This new book by Susie Davidson, illustrated by Fay Grajower, tells the story of Schaechter and presents the recollections of Holocaust survivor Edgar Krasa of Newton, Mass., who was a member of Schaechter's choruses.  (Davidson worked with Krasa to produce the recollections.)

Choir Of Day by Robert K. Johnson $14.00

A dawn light glows over Choir of Day, this generous selection of new poems, and work drawn from each of Robert K. Johnson’s many previous books. Here are poems of literal dawn and the birdsong that accompanies it. Here also is a more metaphorical light, one that emanates from these poems and their capacity to refresh our vision, to renew our sense of love and relationship, and to face without flinching the inevitable losses and painful truths of our lives. Let us give thanks for this dawn chorus. — Fred Marchant, Author of The Looking House

"Starting with Allen Ginsberg and ending with Charlie Parker, Sam Cornish takes us on a whirlwind tour of some of the livelier segments of 1950s and early ’60s American culture. With non-stop energy, syncopated rhythms, and a fast pace that keeps you humming as you turn the pages, Cornish visits a wide array of writers, musicians, and films, stopping along the way to visit local poetry scenes and pay tribute to the homeless and poor. Calling on Jack Kerouac, Langston Hughes, Marlon Brando, Miles Davis and a host of others, Cornish makes us feel the excitement of those times, even as he and his companions absorb the complex and often disturbing history of what he aptly calls “My Young America.” — Martha Collins order link:

Dead Beats by Sam Cornish

Wrestling Angels by Freddy Frankel $14.00

Freddy Frankel brings deep human sympathy and philosophical insight to this book of poems about biblical figures, spiritual and political leaders, and philosophers. These are not biographies, but rather short, deft, impressionistic portraits that say as much about the poet as about his subjects. Looking at these famous (or infamous) individuals from his unique, personal perspective, Frankel helps us see each of them in a fresh and thought-provoking way. — Lawrence Kessenich, winner of the 2010 Strokestown International Poetry Prize and former Houghton Mifflin editor

EAST OF THE MOON by Ruth Kramer Baden ($15.00)

Ruth Kramer Baden’s poems are witty and with-it, but she is not playing around. These are the poems of a woman who has let wonder ripen into wisdom. Her capacity for empathy, for her earlier selves as well as for others, is rooted in the understanding that life is always a desperate improvisation. “Consider how all that grows/from mud or rock or shadow/ must find a way to live,” she writes. With these poems as our guides, we do consider, and our appreciation of our own lives is thereby deepened. — Richard Hoffman

King of the Jungle by Zvi A. Sesling ($15.00)

“To find you, I must navigate a maze of back alleys…” Zvi A. Sesling defi - nitely does this in this beautiful collection of poetry. These poems are sometimes fragile, sometimes blunt, but lyrical enough to draw us into his world with poetry that reads like private little laments. We feel his language. — Gloria Mindock, Červená Barva Press

GRINGO GUADALUPE by Kevin Gallagher. ($11)

"Gallagher's poetry is a rare synthesis of great poetic traditions that puts particular emphases on the image and the lyric blended with a uniquely personalized iconoclasticism. His is a perpetual pursuit to make it new." - Anastasios Kozaitis ( A founding editor of COMPOST magazine)

DEEP LANDSCAPE TURNING by Ann Hutt Browning $15

Ann Hutt Browning has two master’s degrees, one in psychology and one in architecture, four grown children, five grandchildren, and one husband of 50 years. Born in England, raised in southern California, she attended Radcliffe College and has lived in Missouri, Kentucky, France, Macedonia, Chicago, Virginia and now Massachusetts. She and her husband, Preston, a retired English professor, operate Wellspring House in Ashfield, Massachusetts, a retreat center for writers and artists. Some of her poetry has appeared in The Carolina Quarterly, The Southern Humanities Review, The Dalhousie Review, The Ecozoic Reader, Dogwood, Peregrine, Out of Line, Salamander, and several on-line poetry journals.

EVENING WATCH by Cameron Mount $10

“Cameron Mount makes lyric sense of night watches and reveille. An heir to the New England gothics of Frost and Melville, his relentlessly honest poems are lit with absence and wise to the intimacies of observation. Evening Watch is a startling debut. American poetry has abright, new voice."
---Peter Shippy ( author of Thieves’ Latin, Alphaville, How to Build the Ghost in Your Attic )

STEERAGE by Bert Stern. $15 "This is the voice of a wondrously common man. By common, I mean generous, inclusive, and able to dance, at times alone if necessary, with God and with life. Heart, and the words thereof, require expansive courage that can regard both death and immeasurable sorrow without dread. The poems in Steerage, whether they are sensuously peasant like and ethnic, or contemplative and spare, are crafted like indestructible carpentry. " Frannie Lindsay

FROM THE PARIS OF NEW ENGLAND: INTERVIEWS WITH POETS AND WRITERS by Doug Holder ($18.50) A series of interviews with poets and writers that took place in the "Paris of New England," (Somerville, Mass.) Doug Holder the founder of the small literary press "Ibbetson Street" conducted interviews on his Somerville Community Access TV Show "Poet to Poet: Writer to Writer," as well as for his literary column in The Somerville News, and at the Wilderness House Literary Retreat, founded by his friend Steve Glines. Poets and writers included in this volume are Mark Doty, Tom Perrotta, Pagan Kennedy, Claire Messud, Lan Samantha Chang, Afaa Michael Weaver, Lois Ames, Steve Almond, and many more... There is also some striking photography by Elsa Dorfman and other photographers in this collection. Included is an introduction by Michael Basinski, curator of the University of Buffalo Poetry Collection.

SELF PORTRAIT WITH SEVERED HEAD by C.D. Collins ($15.50) “vastly original, fresh , potent and charged— if the poem is to move us, there must be a successful transformation of material, through voice, which feels true to the poem’s deepest intention—Collins achieves this in poem after poem.” —Pam Bernard

The Wren's Cry: Poems by Dorian Brooks. $14.

" Dorian Brooks is poetically sound and masterful, working her way through conflicts, overcoming loss and inequalities in life. Dorian's work soars in meditative spirit that is in nature while leaving you open for the harsh slaps from the world." Tim Gager, founder, Dire Literary Series/cofounder The Somerville News Writers Festival

The Woods Have Words: Poems by Mignon Ariel King.

“Mignon Ariel King’s first remarkable collection of poems, The Woods Have Words, is accomplished, joyful and a virtual voice-romp through the new Boston--an inner travelogue of urban sights and people. Readers looking for a new book of poems will be pleased--her poems are openminded and clear. Even those who do not enjoy poetry or find it hard to read will find substance here, as well as a city and person they can relate to and will want to know more about. Ms. King is an original, and is one of the most interesting poets that it has been my recent pleasure to meet on the page. Ibbetson Street Press has another distinguished book to add to its list.” --Sam Cornish, Poet Laureate of Boston, Massachusetts

On How to Read - THE MANUAL by Pam Rosenblatt -

"On How to Read undertakes a vital mission, the questioning of the obvious in an age where the surplus of information seems to have created a new acquiescence. Rosenblatt's investigations make play itself an integral part of the act of reading while inviting us to question our world. This is a rich little book." - Affa M. Weaver, Pushcart Prize Winner 2008

Rebuilding the Pyramids by Mike Amado

In Rebuilding the Pyramids, we have the rare gift of a lyric carved in the patient space of the wish to live, to continue, to breathe, to make a genuine space inside our lives. The lyric here is carved out of Keatsian spaces, where the metronome in the poet’s ear marks endings more definite than meter and beginnings more beatific than associative pirouettes. Amado shows us the moments of life as meditations, and he makes them anew and shows us how we can always build these beacons that align themselves to what lives beyond us. -Afaa Michael Weaver

B I C Y C L E S , C A N O E S , D R U M S Dan Sklar ($21)

"I take seriously what Ezra Pound said, “make poetry new.” I do not want to write like anyone else, if that’s possible. I want to create new forms of poetry." ( Dan Sklar, author of Bicycles, Canoes, Drums Director of Creative Writing Endicott College Beverly, Mass.)

IN GRATITUDE AND HOPE Edited by Susie Davidson ( No Price) “In Gratitude and Hope,” chronicles German Consul General Wolfgang K. Vorwerk’s four-year term in Boston, in which he established the first very warm post-World War II relationship with Boston’s Holocaust survivor community. Vorwerk concludes his time in Boston on June 30, 2008 when he will return to Germany.

PROMISE SUPERMARKET by Elizabeth Quinlan ( $16) "The magic of Promise Supermarket is to turn the power of visual imagination and memory into unforgettable stories—to “grow treasures” out of what was planted in the treeless ground of a difficult but tenderly remembered childhood." —Martha Collins, from the foreword.

TIME LEAVES by Barbara Bialick ($8.50) “Barbara Bialick’s poems leave the reader with a sad/sweet acknowledgment of the passage of time. Her work is generously laced with humor, irony, and a peaceful acceptance of what is, and what is to come. This is a poetry collection for all seasons; to read when you are old and when you are young.” — Doug Holder, Arts Editor, The Somerville News. Available on Lulu.

MANUFACTURING AMERICA: POEMS FROM THE FACTORY FLOOR by Lisa Beatman ($15) Susan Eisenberg, author of Blind Spot, says, "Manufacturing America bears witness to the lyrical life of a factory and the individuals who inhabit it at the start-up of the 21st-century. Lisa Beatman adds the stories of immigrant workers, heard through the ear of a poet on site to teach literacy skills, to the growing literature of work poetry."

CONFESSIONS Selected and Edited by Llyn Clague ($10) "Nuggets of irony in the ore of verse!"

AWAKENINGS by Richard Wilhelm ($15) "In Richard Wilhelm’s powerful free-verse, sonorous, image-tapestried first collection, the mature poet takes us through a remarkable series of awakenings, most of them to profound interconnections between himself and primordial riches of the natural world—half-buried treasures that glimmer with mystery, ecstasy, and the divine, and that contemporary humans have to a great extent lost touch with in their techno-industrial materialistic lives." -- Douglas Worth / author of "Catch The Light" (Higganum Hill)

SELECTED POETRY (Vol. 2) by Susie D. ($5) More poetry with an edge from journalist, and author Susie Davidson. Davidson is a reporter for the Jewish Advocate and other newspapers, and the author of the critically acclaimed anthology "I Refused to Die..." a compilation of 30 stories of local Boston-area Holocaust survivors and liberating soldiers of World War II."

JEWISH LIFE IN GERMANY - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: OUR TEN-DAY SEMINAR by Susie Davidson ($5) This new book by Susie Davidson chronicles an Aug. 20-31, 2006 seminar she attended along with five other Bostonians as a guest of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Consulate of Boston. The group visited many memorial sites, met with German dignitaries and government officials, attended synagogue and traveled to sites of interest relevant to German Jewish history. Photos and text. 100 pp.

BLOOD SOAKED DRESSES by Gloria Mindock ($13.50) In her fascinating poem cycle, Gloria Mindock jolts back into memory the roots of El Salvador’s present day violence. Mindock coaxes to the page the voices of the dead who lie, less in peace, than in restless obsession with the atrocities they suffered. She brings forth as well the voices of the living who seem startled to find that they died somewhere between the horrors they witnessed and the grave they have yet to lie down in. Blood Soaked Dresses is a beautiful, harrowing first book. - Catherine Sasanov author of Traditions of Bread and Violence (Four Way Books).

FROM MIST TO SHADOW: POEMS by Robert K. Johnson ($12) Fred Marchant (Director of the Poetry Center at Suffolk University) writes of Johnson’s work: “His is an art of transparency, an art in which language through its own devices becomes nearly invisible and what is seen through the scrim is usually an epiphany… The ordinary life is under the poet’s gaze transformed into something approaching the sacred…”

SONATINA by Johnmichael Simon ($13) "Discords, misses and tangles, are all addressed and folded into the Sonatina while the carousel revolves. What this book accomplishes for us is the vision of all events meshing in the music of life, the bizarre just another octave, the sweet and miraculous all plucked appropriately in reprise and return: "the clouds and God are all that exist and the music, the music." --Katherine L. Gordon, author, editor, publisher, literary critic.

WASHING THE STONES by Linda Larson. Photos by Karen C. Davis and Rob Rusk. ($10) Howard Zinn noted activist, historian and authors says of Larsen's collection: "I am very moved by Linda Larson's poems. They are about gliding gulls and young love, and a homeless woman up against a tree--all the stuff of life, straight from the heart." Linda Larsen is the former editor of Spare Change News.

SELF PORTRAIT DRAWN FROM MANY: 65 POEMS FOR 65 YEARS by Irene Koronas ($11.95) Irene receives the smallest whispers - a scrap of paper, a single word, a passing impression and shows us reflections of the infinite, the holy, the human. Her writing evokes ancient dream-time meditations only to return to the mundane details (polish my toe nails) that bring us back to the particular, the present. Her poems are peopled by all sorts of characters; scholars, theologians, children, philosophers, musicians, painters, gamblers, activists, artists, monks, saints, lovers, fathers, mothers, and on. Irene invites us, with this collection of poems, to think about who we are in relation to others - to see ourselves in many different shoes. Ultimately it is an act of great empathy and great imagination. These poems are never didactic, often prophetic, always provocative.

OUTPOST - A COLLECTION OF POEMS by Abbott Ikeler ($16.50) In Ikeler's poetry, we watch the footprints of dancing maidens disappear at the edge of shore. We watch the beasts of the woods watching a wild thing cutting wood. We trace the DNA of Jove back to the scenes of his crimes. These poems combine the observation of a Robert Frost walking a bleak New England landscape, the pessimism of a Matthew Arnold listening to the sea above Dover Beach, and the wit of an Alexander Pope, as Ikeler encounters the paradox of living a life consistently shadowed by death. Spare in expression but unsparing in their vision, the poems manifest a rare fusion of intelligence and imagination. Order from:

CYCLAMENS AND SWORDS AND OTHER POEMS ABOUT THE LAND OF ISRAEL by Helen Bar Lev and John Michael Simon. Poems and Paintings ($36) The achingly beautiful cover of timeless trees, earth, flowers and rock, is redolent of Israel's destiny. This little land, so hallowed in human history, seems the literary and spiritual core of existence to most of humanity. If strife is ever present here, how can there ever be the peace of ancient promise? This land seems to symbolize the eternal quest for harmony where forces of turmoil march ceaselessly. Bar-Lev and Simon explore this theme for us. Cyclamens and Swords will become a treasured classic, echoing as it does so fluently, the longing, fearing and questing that marks these troubled times. Can be ordered on:

SHADOW PEOPLE - Poems by Molly Lynn Watt. ($14) Fred Marchant ( Author of "Full Moon" and Director of the Poetry Center at Suffolk University in Boston) writes of Watt's book: "Shadow People begins far away and takes us on a journey home. We move from the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska to the Redline in Boston....We begin as observers but by the end of the book we have joined with Molly Watt in the dance of her life, and our own." Can be ordered on: .

LOUISA SOLANO & THE GROLIER POETRY BOOK SHOP - Edited by Doug Holder & Steve Glines. ($10) This is a collection of anecdotes by poets who have patronized the famed Grolier Poetry Book Shop in Harvard Square over the years. Also: an exclusive interview with Louisa Solano, the former owner, who recounts her experiences with Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Robert Lowell, Donald Hall and others. Contributors include: Afaa Michael Weaver, Deborah M. Priestly, Linda Haviland Conte, Lyn Lifshin and other poets. Also order through: .

THE AMERICAN WIVES CLUB - Patricia Brodie. ($5) "Patricia Brodie's poems are warm and witty with wonderful surprises for the enchanted reader. Her poems reflect a life of love, friendship and travel, of eucalyptus trees, found treasures of the sea, and the bittersweet memories of home and family. They sing." -- Victor Howes, past president, New England Poetry Club.

BAGELS WITH THE BARDS: THE BAGELBARDS ANTHOLOGY No. 1 - Edited by Molly Lynn Watt. ($7) An anthology of poetry by the "Bagelbards" a group of poets who met in Harvard Square, Cambridge (now in Davis Square, Somerville, Mass.) every Saturday morning over bagels. Included in the anthology: Patricia Brodie, Ann Carhart, Irene Koronas, Marc D. Goldfinger, Beatriz Alba Del-Rio, Mike Amado, Varsha Kukfaka, Lo Galluccio, James Foritano, Matt Rosenthal, Doug Holder, Julia Carlson, Gloria Mindock, Philip E. Burnham, Walter Howard, Robert K. Johnson, Steve Glines, Tino Villanueva, Clara Diebold, Deborah M. Priestly, Afaa Michael Weaver, Molly Lynn Watt, Barbara Bialick, Tomas O'Leary, and Robert K. Johnson.

SANCTUS! SANCTUS! SANCTUS! - Ann Carhart. ($8) Ann Carhart considers herself an old local Cambridge, Mass. poet and psychologist. In this poetry collection she traces her life as a young girl, her marriage, her divorce, and her resurrection... A powerful collection from a veteran of life.

HOUSEKEEPING: POEMS OUT OF THE ORDINARY - Philip E. Burnham Jr. ($8) - "Philip E. Burnham's third collection, places him firmly in the company of Rhina P. Espaillat, Donald Hall, Brendan Galvin, and other equally rare talent. These poems cover the gambit of loss, through death, of his wife... This collection like a good marriage, is 'to have and to hold.'" Harris Gardner (Tapestry of Voices).

I REFUSED TO DIE: STORIES OF BOSTON-AREA HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS AND SOLDIERS WHO LIBERATED THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS OF WORLD WAR II - Susie Davidson. ($18) "In writing this book, Susie Davidson is advancing the eternal message of the most significant event in Jewish history. The Holocaust was an essential element in the establishment of the State of Israel, which reserves an official national day for honoring its memory. Its lessons are the most profound and the most crucial in the creation of our modern Jewish identity. Susie's effort to document its story and its survivors is to be supported and is greatly appreciated." Hillel Newman, Consul of Israel to New England.

HOT RAIN - Lo Galluccio. ($7) (Published by the Singing Bone Press an imprint of Ibbetson Street.) "...- a totally original voice filled with psycho-social realities of contemporary America. It's act, react, get into the psych-underground and let it flow..." Hugh Fox ( a founding editor of Pushcart Prize)

LIVING IT - Joanna Nealon. ($10) A new book of poetry by a poet who is blind. Acclaimed poet X.J. Kennedy wrote of this poetry collection:" Living It is a spellbinding book.... I haven't read autobiographical poems this stark, harrowing and memorable since Robert Lowell's 'Life Studies...."

THE WOMAN HAS A VOICE - Deborah Priestly. ($10) Rose Gardina publisher of the "Boston Girls Guide" writes of this book: "Deborah M. Priestly's poetry is moving, deep and passionate. She has captured the depth that every woman feels at some point in their lives with such meaning and grace. She truly is one of Boston's great treasures of talent." Illustrated by Lauren M. Geraghty. Edited by Lynne Sticklor.

SELECTED POETRY - Susie D. ($3) A book of provocative poetry by Boston-area journalist, political activist and poet Susie D. Susie's poetry is right-in-your face, as it rails against injustice, and the modern malaise society finds itself mired in.

SAILING FROM BOSTON: POEMS OF LOSS AND REMEMBRANCE - Philip E. Burnham, Jr. ($8) Burnham pens a collection in memory of his wife Louise Hassel Burnham. Burnham is a graduate of Harvard College, and was a former American Vice Counsel stationed in Marseille, France. His first collection of poetry was My Neighbor Adam published in 2003.

FAIRY TALES AND MISDEMEANORS - Jennifer Matthews. ($5) This is a first poetry collection by this well-known Boston-area vocalist/poet. Matthews "strings words with wings" in both her songs and her poetry. No wonder she is often described as "the next Patti Smith." Check out her website

STONE SOUP ANTHOLOGY - Stone Soup Poets, Inc. ($7) This joint project by Ibbetson Street and Stone Soup Poets, is a collection of poetry by poets who regularly attend and or contribute to Stone Soup in some way. Stone Soup, founded by Jack Powers, has been a venue of reading and publishing for over thirty years in the Boston area.

THE SAME CORNER OF THE BAR -Tim Gager. ($5) Gager is the founder of the successful reading series Dire Reader, housed at Cambridge's Out of the Blue Gallery. This collection is a hard-hitting look at the war between the sexes, divorce, drugs and booze, and parenthood.

ON EITHER SIDE OF THE CHARLES - Doug Holder. ($4) Mike Basinski, Assistant Curator of the Poetry and Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries at Buffalo writes of this book: "...when I read his works, it was with great gobs of joy that I felt such bubbling joy at his very easy way of capturing instances of common and making them high holy."

RELATIONSHIPS - Marc Goldfinger. ($10) This is former Spare Change's News editor, Marc Goldfinger's first collection of poetry to be released by Ibbetson Street. Goldfinger, a well-known street poet in Cambridge, writes of his hardscrabble milieu, and the relationships that bind and break.

A KOAN FOR SAMSARA - Linda Lerner ($5) These poems, written between late June 1991 and early 2003, arranged more or less chronologically, tell a love story, the kind that, if you're lucky, happens once. Once only.

LEST THEY BECOME - Harris Gardner ($6) " 'Lest They Become' is an exploration of the spiritual, emotional, and physical comforts and complexities of roots by a tireless contributor to the poetry community." Ellen Steinbaum (Boston Globe Columnist and author of Afterwords).

IN THE BAR APOCALYPSE NOW - Gary Duehr ($4) This collection of poetry deals with the 60's and the aftermath. Duehr is an award wining poet from Somerville, Ma., and co-director of The Invisible Cities Group, a performance group based in the Boston area.

SLOW AS A POEM - Linda Haviland Conte ($8) 23 poems written with an observing eye, and a quiet and spiritually reflective voice. Conte brings tender seriousness, as well as wry humor, to the subjects of domesticity and motherhood.

SMALL WORLD - Poems by Jonathan Roses ($5) This is Roses' first collection of poetry that Hugh Fox describes as "...a refreshing break from Beat/Post-Beat tough-guy street poetry...Simply a kind of wonder at what is...genuinely moving."

BOSTON: A LONG POEM - Hugh Fox, Photos/Art: Richard Wilhelm ($2) A trip to Boston serves as a jumping-off point for a man's recollection of his life and times.

THE LATEST NEWS - Robert K. Johnson, Illustrations: Richard Wilhelm ($4) A native New Yorker's journey to Sept. 11.

THE LIFE OF ALL WORLDS - Marc Widershien ($10, $1 p&h) A memoir of Boston in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Jack Powers, founder of Stone Soup Poets wrote: "This brilliant energized portrait of a once-ago urban neighborhood throbs with affection and detail. Kudos!"

CITY OF POETS/18 BOSTON VOICES - Editors, Don DiVecchio, Doug Holder, Richard Wilhelm. ( $10). This is an anthology of 18 Boston poets of diverse background. Lawrence Ferlinghetti wrote: " Bravo to the Boston poets for hearing the Muse loud and clear!" Cover art by Richard Wilhelm.

THE INACESSIBILITY OF THE CREATOR - Jack Powers.($3) A collection by Boston Beat poet Jack Powers. Ed Chaberek of Superior Poetry News called Jack, " A powerful poetry presence!"

DREAMS AT THE AU BON PAIN - Doug Holder. ($3) Poems composed during a hot Summer, while sitting at this sprawling Harvard Square cafe. Mike Basinski wrote of Doug Holder, " All a poet...he is among the the vertebra that holds the Boston and eastern Mass. poetry community up to snuff." Art by Richard Wilhelm.

WAKING IN A COLD SWEAT- Doug Holder. ($4) A book of 3 A.M. night sweats...the dark night of the soul.

EARTH SONG - Don DiVecchio-($3)- This is a collection of poetry by the poetry editor of Spare Change Newspaper. It deals with the 70's, activism, poverty, gender issues, and childhood. Pictures by Divecchio and Richard Wilhelm.

POEMS FROM 42ND STREET - Rufus Goodwin- ($6)- Poems of the street...poems that find the poet. Jon Galassi wrote: " I found much to admire in both the poems and the drawings."

THE BERKSHIRE POLISH BAR/And Other Blue Collar Poems - Ed Chaberek-($2)- A collection of poetry by the editor of SUPERIOR POETRY NEWS. This collection deals with a working class town in New England in the 1950's. Illustrations by Richard Wilhelm.

POEMS FOR THE POET, Workingman, and Downtrodden-A.D.Winans-($3)- This collection was praised by the Chiron deals with the streets of SanFrancisco as this veteran poet sees it. Art work by Richard Wilhelm.

LEAVING ONLY IMPRESSIONS-Dianne Robitaille- ($2) A collection by an editor of the Ibbetson Street Press. Robitaille's poetry deals with the passing moment as it dissolves into the ether. Photos by Doug Holder.

WALK OUT - Ed Meek-($4)- Poems about the beauty and horror of nature, in and around a placid suburb of Boston. Art and photos, Richard Wilhelm.

ANGEL OF DEATH - Hugh Fox-($4) - A collection of poetry that deals with mortality...illustrations by Richard Wilhelm.

PRAYERS ON A TENEMENT ROOFTOP -Ed Galing-( $2)-Poems of the Lower East Side of NYC during the 1920's. Art and photos by Doug Holder.

These books can be ordered via mail-Ibbetson St. Press, 25 School Street, Somerville, Ma. 02143 or call (617) 628-2313.

For local folks some of these books such as:THE LIFE OF ALL WORLDS and CITY OF POETS are available at the Israel Bookstore (Brookline), Harvard Bookstore (Harvard Square), McIntyre and Moore (Davis Square Somerville), Rhythm and Muse(J.P.) Booksmith (Brookline).

Contact for more info.


Books Published By The Ibbetson Street Press

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